
Факультет биотехнологий


191002, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Ломоносова, д. 9

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Cisplatin Effect on Digital Cytomorphometric and Bioinformatic Tumor Cell Characteristics in Rat Ovarian Cancer Model–a Preliminary Study

Cisplatin Effect on Digital Cytomorphometric and Bioinformatic Tumor Cell Characteristics in Rat Ovarian Cancer Model–a Preliminary Study

Cisplatin Effect on Digital Cytomorphometric and Bioinformatic Tumor Cell Characteristics in Rat Ovarian Cancer Model–a Preliminary Study

Zhilinskaya, N. T., Bespalov, V. G., Semenov, A. L., Ermakova, E. D., Tochilnikov, G. V., Barakova, N. V., Alexandrov, V. A., Baranenko, D. A.

Pharmacol. Reports 2021, 73 (2), 642–649



Ovarian cancer is one of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system. The aim of this study was the investigation of the antitumor cisplatin effect on ascitic fluid tumor cells in the ovarian cancer experimental model by digital cytomorphometry and cell bioinformatic analysis.

Female Wistar rats were inoculated by ovarian cancer strain. After ovarian cancer transplantation rats were divided into two groups: control group—without cisplatin treatment, the experimental group—under cisplatin treatment. The ascitic fluid was taken on the 9-th day after tumor cell inoculation. Digital cytomorphometric and cytobioinformatic analysis were used to study ascitic fluid cancer cell morphofunctional changes under cisplatin treatment.

Digital cytomorphometric characteristics of rat ovarian cancer ascitic cells were obtained. Tumor cells were classified into four groups according to their geometric size: small, medium, large, “gigantic”. The algorithm and the computer program based on tumor cell morphometric characteristics were created to calculate such cell bioinformatic characteristic as information redundancy coefficient R. Three parameters were determined as the criteria of cisplatin effect on cancer cells: cell number, nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, R-value.

Data obtained suggest that cisplatin reduces the total cell number, the nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and R-value thus indicates a decrease in cellular resistance and adaptive potential. The digital cytomorphometry and bioinformatics could be recommended as a testing system in the experimental or clinical study.
